Veva Lanka Cinnamon Production

Veva Lanka Cinnamon Harvesting

Veva Lanka Cinnamon –  Ceylon cinnamon, the trees are usually harvested when they are three years old, twice a year right after the rainy season. Meanwhile, Cassia cinnamon is ready for harvesting 8 to 10 years after being planted, but 15 years is the most ideal age as the cinnamon bark will be in its prime quality. In this stage, farmers will chop off branches and cut down the entire tree. Farmers usually harvest cinnamon twice a year, after the rain season, as humidity will make the bark peel off more easily.

Processing may take up 60% of the total cinnamon production cost due to its labor-intensive nature and the fact that it is usually done manually. Skilled workers will peel off the rough exterior to reveal the soft inner bark, using a sharp knife. In cinnamon production, different desired final products will have specific corresponding extra steps. For instance, if the final product is cinnamon sticks, cinnamon barks must be cut into smaller pieces with a width from 3cm to 3,7cm to make sure they curl into a round shape.

Veva Lanka Cinnamon Processing

Veva Lanka Cinnamon Drying

For Ceylon cinnamon, the trees are usually harvested when they are three years old, twice a year right after the rainy season. Meanwhile, Cassia cinnamon is ready for harvesting 8 to 10 years after being planted, but 15 years is the most ideal age as the cinnamon bark will be in its prime quality. In this stage, farmers will chop off branches and cut down the entire tree. Farmers usually harvest cinnamon twice a year, after the rain season, as humidity will make the bark peel off more easily.

The removed barks are called quills. These quills will be dried in the shade to prevent losing their shape for four or five days. Later, they will be placed in sunlight to become completely dry. During the rainy season, in cinnamon production, workers may use a mechanical dryer instead.

Veva Lanka Cinnamon Grading

Veva Lanka Cinnamon Cutting and/or Grinding

These methods add value to the final product of cinnamon production. Cinnamon barks will be cut to lengths corresponding to different types. For instance, tube cinnamon is from 30 to 45 centimeters in length, while the figure for cigarette cinnamon is from 8 to 10 centimeters only. If the final product is in powder form, the barks will be ground to form a fine powder. Cinnamon powder is easier to be spoiled and harder to evaluate its quality. Therefore, lots of wholesalers prefer to buy whole spices.

Cinnamon quills should be packed in moisture-proof bags and carton boxes to prevent them from breaking. The label should contain important information relating to cinnamon production, including the brand name, product name, manufacturer details, date of manufacturing and expiration, weight, and safety certificates if needed.

Cinnamon products should be stored in dry, cool, clean, and well-ventilated containers, away from direct sunlight. These containers should also be free from pests and insects to avoid undesirable damages to cinnamon production.

Veva Lanka Cinnamon Packaging