About Vevalanka

The Company

We believe in organic agriculture and the benefits it can provide.

The Company

Vevalanka is driven by the desire to promote and preserve ancient wellness practices of Sri Lanka. Due to its equatorial climate, Sri Lanka features a wide range of endemic herbs and spices which offer an array of health benefits. Such herbs and spices have been utilized in Ayurveda as well as traditional wellness practices of Sri Lanka since the days of the Caveman. Vevalanka hopes to make the benefits of such practices more accessible through the assemblage of herbal remedies and literature.

Our Mission

To create value for our Clients by providing superior quality essential oils, Ceylon Cinnamon & value added products with assured reliability.

Our Vision

To be the global benchmark for highest quality cinnamon essential oil and to be the manufacturer and supplier of choice in the global essential oil industry.

Why Us?

  • Sri Lanka’s no. 1 Ceylon cinnamon exporter
  • World-renowned family business
  • Generations of experience
  • Pioneers of the Sri Lankan cinnamon industry
  • Extensive facilities
  • Multiple quality checks
  • Sustainable farm base